The Democratic nominee for vice president has no law degree or Ivy League pedigree, no famous last name or massive wealth. But his former students say the kind of teacher that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz was back then is who he is today — qualities that could help him govern and unify the nation.
Take Noah Hobbs. Roughly two decades ago, Hobbs was a “C-ish” student at Mankato West High School and chronically late to class. He says there was no good reason most teachers would have gone out of their way to notice, much less appreciate, an average kid like him.
But he says his fourth-hour global geography teacher, Mr. Walz, did. Hobbs credits Walz for letting him feel seen and important at a time in his life when that meant everything.
“He spent as much time with me as he did with the 4.0 kids,” said Hobbs, who later served on the Duluth City Council and works for an affordable-housing nonprofit. “He certainly helped me feel that I was capable of more than what I was doing. I think he saw that in all of us.”
After being introduced by Kamala Harris as her running mate Tuesday at a rally in Philadelphia, Walz recounted how his students inspired him to run for political office in 2006. Many of his former students, now in their 30s and 40s, say it was Walz who inspired them, drawing them in with his boisterous-dad energy, caring curiosity and engaging teaching style. (Walz was named the “most inspiring” teacher by the student yearbook.)

Hobbs remembers earning extra credit in Walz’s class by talking about current events he read in the news. At the time, the teen delivered papers for the Mankato Free Press. Having Walz as a teacher forced him to page beyond the funnies and the sports section, to physically open up the paper and realize there was a world much broader beyond North Mankato.
A New York Times article documented how Walz helped his students predict the Rwandan genocide when he taught high school in Alliance, Neb., in 1993, by having them study patterns of civil war and totalitarianism. Too often, he told the Times in 2008, atrocities like the Holocaust are taught as a terrible anomaly that could never take place again.
“The problem is, that relieves us of responsibility,” he said at the time. “Obviously, the mastermind was sociopathic, but on the scale for it to happen, there had to be a lot of people in the country who chose to go down that path. You have to make the intellectual leap to figure out the reasons why.”