His body ravaged by cancer and years of multiple sclerosis, Steve Wheeler knew he had only a short time left on earth when he recorded a YouTube video in his Lake Elmo home.
Yet he was upbeat. He knew what would happen to his body. In the state of Washington, he would be composted above ground and turned into dense, fertile soil, the greenest possible route to the hereafter, he figured.
"With this act I can at least go out on a high note and say I have left the world just a little bit better than when I found it," Wheeler said into the camera, with a smile.
The practice known as human composting has found a following among those who want a greener alternative to cremation or a traditional burial. Seven states — Washington, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, California, New York and Nevada — allow the practice.
Legislation that would legalize human composting in Minnesota was proposed this spring. While it wasn't successful, a study of the practice was included in a separate measure that imposed a moratorium on new "green burials." Residents wanted to stop a proposed green burial spot in Blackhoof Township south of Duluth. But the moratorium could potentially affect burials in Jewish and Muslim cemeteries, which tend to be greener and typically don't involve embalming, for example.
The research hasn't yet started and is due by February 2025, said Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) spokesman Garry Bowman.
"Essentially, MDH is to study the environmental and health impacts of green burials and human composting, and to make recommendations regarding location, distance from water, burial depth, density of burials, etc.," Bowman said.
The Wheelers found a way around Minnesota's prohibition of human composting, thanks to Twin Cities-based Mueller Memorial Funeral Home and Cremation. Wheeler had first called the company in March, and discovered it was interested in the practice as well.