If you must go out today, some Twin Cities restaurants are making sure you stay well-fed and hydrated.
Here are discounts and freebies being offered today in honor of the coldpocalypse.
We'll update the list as we hear of more.
$5 Irish coffees and hot toddies at Morrissey's Irish Pub (913 W. Lake St., Mpls., 612-465-8555, morrisseysuptown.com)
From their Facebook page: "As a thank you to whichever brave souls climb The Wall, battle Ymir, board Snowpiercer or saddle up their Tauntauns to get to The Pub, we'll be offering $5 Irish Coffees and Hot Toddies all day!"
Free hot chocolate at Marcus Theatres (multiple locations, marcustheatres.com)
They emailed: "While the weather outside is frightful, Marcus Theatres are warm and delightful! Given the cold temperatures, the movie theatre company is heating things up with free hot chocolate for all moviegoers through Friday, February 1. The offer is valid at all seven Twin Cities-area Marcus Theatres, including Oakdale, Rosemount and Southbridge Crossing (Shakopee) Cinemas."
Free shot of tequila at Pajarito (605 W. 7th St., St. Paul, 651-340-9545, pajaritostp.com)