Twenty-four hours of un-wedded abyss came to an end at 4:34 p.m. Monday for Garrison Keillor.
A surprise notation on his Facebook page, "Garrison Keillor is no longer listed as married," was fun while it lasted. Monday morning I got a tip about this Facebook change for the millionaire author. Unreturned phone calls were made to the St. Paul home of Keillor and his wife, the very private violinist Jenny Lind Nilsson. And then late in the day Keillor's Facebook status changed again: "Garrison Keillor is now married."
At 5:31 p.m., Keillor posted an explanation, sly in its wit. "Sorry about the confusion. I was editing quickly. We are still married," Keillor wrote on the website.
Get it? "We Are Still Married." Add a colon and the words "Stories and Letters," and you have the name of one of his famous books.
To that, someone named "Linda" from Facebook Nation wrote: "I'm sure your wife is glad to hear it, too."
Facebook Nation was also wry about what looked like bad news from the Keillor household until he cleared things up. "Garrison, are you going through relationships really quickly? I could have sworn that earlier you said you were 'not in a relationship'!!" read a post from "Linda" (again). "Alexander" quipped, "Where are you, Las Vegas?" while "Katy" wrote, "I've been so worried for the last 24 hours."
I've been worried only about eight hours, sitting here feeling sorry for Nilsson when it looked like Keillor had possibly made a hurtful disclosure so close to Valentine's Day. As a believer in making the commitment to stay married the first time you get married, I'm pulling for Keillor do an until-death-us-do-part exit with one of his wives. How about this one!
Fawning over Couric Fox 9 entertainment reporter Jason Matheson is waking up with CBS' Katie Couric.
His thing for Couric turned out to be much more serious than I realized during what was supposed to be a continuation of a conversation about how many vests he owns: Sixteen individual ones plus three that came with suits.
"He's singlehandedly bringing the vest back," said Fox 9 news director Bill Dallman.
Matheson, aka Buzz, said he's just following the sartorial lead of Justin Timberlake.
Returning to the Couric situation: On Matheson's new FM107 show, he so often longs to have his broadcast idol call in that one of his listeners has set up a Facebook page to get Couric's attention. It has 100 Facebookies now.
Ribbing Matheson about his workspace shrine to Couric being lacking -- it features only her Newsweek cover -- I was told "I have a 'Silence of the Lamb' type shrine at my house, but not in a scary Hannibal Lecter kind of way." Then Buzz showed off his iPhone, as you can see at The screen saver is a photo of Couric.
"Oh, wait a minute," said Matheson. "You want to see what I wake up to every day?" Couric's "CBS Evening News" intro, voiced by Walter Cronkite, played. Also, whenever Buzz gets bummed on the radio, his sidekick Alexis Thompson plays Couric's news show theme to cheer up Matheson.
"I'm just a simple boy with a dream. I want Katie to call in to my show, and I want a CBS Evening News mug. Ben Tracy, can you hear me, can you please help me? Please get Katie to call in to my show," said the newly single Matheson, who is by no means looking for the kind of love Katie could supply, if you get my drift.
Tracy is the former WCCO-TV reporter who went network about two months after doing a bang-up job reporting on the I-35W bridge collapse while Couric was in the metro covering that disaster. CBS was already up on Tracy because it used his "Good Question" segments on the "Saturday Early Show." I can't see how Couric could turn down my old bud, Dr. Casey. But she's so busy we probably need to call on everybody we know at the network, which includes former KSTPer Steve Hartman, CBS' "Assignment America" correspondent, to help a Minnesotan out.
"If Katie calls, I will go into cardiac arrest ON THE AIR," said Matheson.
After reading this, Couric might say, "Promise?"
Kidding, as Matheson is NBH: Nothing But Harmless.
Fighting lymphoma Best wishes to Bill McAllister, Gov. Sarah Palin's press secretary, who is battling lymphoma, according to an interview with Alaska's KTVA-TV.
A graduate of Washburn High and Hamline U and a former Minnesota journalist, McAllister found out he had lymphoma the night of the vice presidential debate, the TV station's website says. Keep fighting.
JoBros like Prince Nick Jonas told "Good Morning America" that the brothers have "Elvis Costello, Johnny Cash, Prince" on their iPods.
They are too young to know about some of Symbolina's unwholesome performances.
C.J. is at 612.332.TIPS or E-mailers, please state a subject -- "Hello" doesn't count. Attachments are not opened, so don't even try. More of her attitude can be seen on Fox 9 Thursday mornings.
And they are separated into categories for your snacking convenience.