When the heat of the summer sun battles with humidity levels to see which can reach new heights first, the air can feel downright oppressive.
One of the best ways to cope is to embrace the refreshing world of affogato. In Italian, affogato means to drown a frigid scoop of gelato with steamy espresso. Like summer, there’s the buildup of heat and cool, refreshing relief — all in one cup.
Ever since that first 90-degree day, we’ve been cruising through the metro on the hunt for our favorite versions of this sweet and zippy treat. Embracing the spirit of summer, we zoomed in on walk-up windows and casual counters and found that no affogatos are created equal. Scoop shops and restaurants are carefully curating with house or local brands of coffee and ice cream, and variations such as brown butter soft serve, verdant matcha, olive oil gelato and even edible glitter abound.
Still, one basic tenet remains for pairing with ice cream.
“Caffeine is my inspiration,” said Leah Owens, who offers affogato with chai, Earl Grey tea or as a miel drizzled with local honey at her Crema Coffee + Cream in Minneapolis.
If you’re looking for a sweet jolt, here’s the lowdown on how local establishments are serving up these sweet treats. We also jotted down full-service restaurants where the coffee dessert was spotted on menus, for those days when you have time to savor.

Bogart’s Doughnut Co.
If you didn’t think Bogarts’ outstanding brown butter soft-serve could get any better, think again. An off-menu item they’ll happily rig up drenches the doughnut shop’s signature frozen dessert — inspired by their iconic brown butter brioche doughnut — in espresso, taking the deep, rich, almost nutty notes of that cold and brown butter-flecked swirl to the next level. (Sharyn Jackson)
$6.50; 5003 Excelsior Blvd., St. Louis Park; 904 W. 36th St., Mpls., bogartsdoughnutco.com